Third Celle Art and Nature Poetry Award

For the third poetry prize, the jury unanimously proclaimed Gian Mario Villalta as the winner. His sensitivity and his direct relationship with nature meant that an immediate connection was established with the whole adventure that unfolds within Celle. His verses reveal a personal outlook that, however, immediately becomes collective, due to the depth and clarity that characterise it.

Paolo Gori and Gian Mario Villalta in front of Stare qui by Vittorio Corsini, tea house, 2024

Vittorio Corsini, a sensitive artist who has always been linked to the world of words in verse, was then called in to assist him with the volume. From their relationship and the spontaneous dialogue that arose between the two, a book was born in which words and colours intertwine until they merge into one.

"A Giuliano", from "Prima che l’oscurità rassicuri la sera",
Gian Mario Villalta.

Jury third prize: Antonio Franchini, Andrea Mati, Silvio Perrella, Antonio Riccardi and Sandro Veronesi

President Paolo Gori

Winner Gian Mario Villalta flanked in the book by Vittorio Corsini.