
2012 – bronze

In celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the Gori Collection’s opening to the public, it is impossible to leave out a new work by Robert Morris. 

In his previous five site-specific works created for the collection between 1982 and 2000, Robert Morris demonstrated that Celle is a fertile ground for his experimentation. Therefore, it did not surprise Giuliano Gori when, in 2011, Morris proposed a new creation, this time designed for a space next to the Villa. The work consists of an enormous figure three meters tall, resembling in every way a primordial goddess of fertility, like the celebrated Venus of Lespugue. In many of his writings, the artist has often emphasized his attraction to the most ancient expressions of art, citing the cave paintings of primitive peoples. For Morris, art is the singular channel of creativity and expression uninterrupted by time or space.


Robert Morris

Robert Morris (Kansas City, Missouri, 1931- Kingston, New York, 2018) In the period 1982-2002 R…

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