
1982 – pietra serena stone

Following the park’s main wide path just past the large aviary, one reaches a crossroads surrounded by ancient holm oak trees where the artist chose to make his installation. Although the piece appears to be a single block of local pietra serena stone planted in the earth, it has, in actuality, been broken into four parts which have then been reassembled. Two vertical breaks in the stone are topped with a horizontal bar, suggesting a cross-like form. This design, together with the plays of natural light that filter through the trees, accentuate the dream-like quality of the work as well as the sacred atmosphere.

The two façades of the artwork are completely different from one another: one is more harmonious due to its smooth, well-worked surface, while the other side, more dramatic, preserves the rock’s natural formation, which is accentuated by the holes drilled to break the stone.


Ulrich Rückriem

Ulrich Rückriem (Düsseldorf, 1938 – ) At the start of the environmental art project in 1981 the…

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