
1989 – paper, paints, fabric, wood, bronze

Located in a room in the fattoria, six gray curtains, like the ones used in the Orthodox Mass, are drawn back to reveal five “icons”. Made from PRAVDA newspaper pages glued to wooden panels, each one of the signs hung below the icons represents one of the five stages of Man according to Nietzsche (beast, infant, man, hero, sage). Each niche also houses wooden shelves, on which identical small bronze figures, half man and half chicken, reveal Prigov’s absurdist theory: each cries a red tear (a reminder of Christ found on Orthodox iconography) and holds a polished bronze egg between its chicken feet.


Dimitri Prigov

Dimitri Prigov (Moscow, 1940 – Moscow, 2007) In 1988 Giuliano Gori promoted the exhibition Mosca t…

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