Celle Sculpture

1982 – concrete

Just past the Tea House, Staccioli’s artwork is tucked into a narrow space, defined by centuries-old holm oak trees and a thick underbrush of butcher’s broom. This gigantic “blade” of cement begins just above the park’s main pathway, rising steeply to a height of almost eight meters. The artist was intrigued by the natural architecture of the trees and wanted to attract the visitor’s attention to the perfect dome formed by the boughs, which allow the sun’s light to filter through. Depending on the position of the viewer, the shape of the piece changes: a wall, a triangle, a pyramid and other forms appear. In spite of the piece’s monumental scale, it appears to be levitating, and does not compete with the natural surroundings.


Mauro Staccioli

Mauro Staccioli (Volterra, 1937 – Milan, 2018) After participating in important exhibitions t…

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