Morning Light (sheep + sheep) 

1993 – travertine stone and iron

The artist chose to work in the area around the old farmhouse that hosted his one-man show in 1993 and, long before, had been home to the Fattoria’s shepherd. Kadishman cut out the figures of sheep, each in a different pose, from large slabs of travertine which he then lay on the ground in the front yard as well as in the pastures around the house. As planned, the grass has grown through the slabs’ empty spaces, thereby forming a herd of sheep made of a natural material.

In the same farmyard, a small space bordered by a low stone wall hosts a second herd of sheep. This time, the forms are made from iron rods which rise, twisting, from the ground. Each one bears the same “mask”: a sheep’s head cut from thick plates of iron.


Menashe Kadishman

Menashe Kadishman (Tel Aviv-Yafo, 1932 – Tel HaShomer, 2015) Menashe Kadishman, formerly present …

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