Pencil Lines in Four Directions and All Their Combinations on Black Squares (Wall Drawing #1122)

2004 – caran d’ashe

The Gori Collection, courtesy of the LeWitt Collection, Chester, CT

In his 1969 text “Sentences on Conceptual Art”, fundamental for the development of Minimal Art, Sol LeWitt wrote, “the process is mechanical and should not be tampered with. It should run its course”. Indeed visitors walking though the ten rooms of Casapeppe find themselves following the logic of LeWitt’s project titled “Pencil Lines in Four Directions and All Their Combinations on Black Squares”. The large black backgrounds (300×300 cm) painted directly on the walls, serve as supports for thin graphite lines traced right to left, up and down, as well as diagonally so that they form small rhombi and squares. The fifteen works presented reconfirm the artist’s constant investigation aimed at visualizing all the possible variations offered by each individual project.


Sol Lewitt

Sol LeWitt (Hartford, 1928 – New York, 2007) The friendship between the Gori and LeWitt families was born and consolidated in the environment of the Spoleto Festival; in fact, every July, Pina and Giuliano attend the performances in Umbria before Carol and Sol come up to spend a few days conversing about art in the garden of Celle.

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