My Sky Hole

1985-1989 – wood, stone, cement, glass, water, stainless steel, marble

In the olive grove just outside the park, Inoue’s installation invites the visitor on a meditative journey. Low steps lead to a gravel-filled square bordered by segments of pietra serena taken from Celle’s medieval aqueduct. Two columns, each eleven-meters high, direct the visitor toward a long corridor between two high stone walls. Half-way down the walk, a small fountain of water placed between two niches containing low marble seats provides a moment for purification and reflection. Continuing on, the visitor reaches a small door that opens into a narrow, twisting tunnel leading underground. The path, albeit dark and confusing, eventually gives way to light and reason: a spiral staircase takes the visitor up to ground level and into a large glass cube that opens onto the farmland.


Bukichi Inoue

Bukichi Inoue (Hara, 1930 – Kamakura, 1997) Giuliano Gori invited Bukichi Inoue to perform a …

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