
1991 – styrofoam, earth, glue, hay, pendulum clock 

Created in 1991 for a room adjoining the artist’s previous installation (Moon, 1986), Genesi later had to be relocated because of unfavorable humidity conditions. The artist successfully installed the work in the former stable area of the Cascina Terrarossa, a place that well serves the dual theme of birth and animals. Visitors cannot enter the space but can view it through a large glass window. Two large irregularly ovoid forms sit on a bed of straw, one twice the size of the other. These large eggs, covered with a layer of smooth earth, seem to foretell the birth of something extraordinary. The atmosphere of suspense is accentuated by the antique pendulum clock hung on the wall, whose hands have been removed. Its ticking increases the sense of mystery in the installation since it comes from a device that reveals neither beginning nor end.


Costas Tsoclis

Costas Tsoclis (Athens, 1930 – ) Giuliano Gori met Costas Tsoclis in the Greek pavilion at the 1986 Venice Biennale when the exhibition was dedicated to the theme ‘Art and Science’.

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