Enfiteusi II

1987 – corten, stainless steel

The artwork is comprised of two parts (Enfiteusi I and II) that reside in different locations, yet are closely linked thematically.

In the bed of a former pond near the villa, the artist has repeated the same structure and dimensions of Enfiteusi I, which is found in the fattoria building. The artist’s idea was to bring outside all the elements he used indoors, so as to present the room in its same form and scale, but depriving it of its original walls. The corten steel is the same material that is used indoors, but the room’s mirrors have been replaced by stainless steel designed to recall several features of the original space: the pattern of the indoor tile floor is inscribed on the lower area of the steel, while the upper portion is surfaced with several bands of triangular reliefs, which are meant to recall the ceiling beams of the indoor space.

See: Enfiteusi I


Enrico Castellani

Even before his arrival in Celle, Enrico Castellani was known for his investigation of space, ra…

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