
1987 – olive wood, bronze, corten steel

Over five meters high, the imposing figure created by the artist correlates to the historic ice well, a space characterized by its dramatic width and depth. This great cone-shaped void emphasizes the telluric energies of Daphne, no longer perceived as a delicate nymph but as a force of nature. She is a menacing giant and, at the same time, a protectress of the site.

Although neither pliant nor readily combined, the materials chosen by the artist have been manipulated so that the form takes on an organic appearance. Depending on the intensity of the natural light falling on it, the figure seems, at times, only vaguely visible, almost a mirage, whereas at other moments it can be seen in all its vigor.


Giuseppe Spagnulo

Giuseppe Spagnulo (Grottaglie, 1936 – Milan, 2016) At the end of his work in 1988 G…

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