
This section contains news about initiatives and events involving the Collection: inaugurations of new works, temporary exhibitions, book presentations, award ceremonies and any other kind of news relevant to the Collection.


31 August 2023

Viale della poesia – 7 June 2023

15 May 2023

Presentation of the book La formula della creazione

30 June 2022

MIc call for funds for historic parks and gardens

2022 we won the EU-funded Ministry of Cultural Heritage’s call for funds for historic parks and gardens

24 June 2022

Realismo Magico

On the occasion of the second edition of the Celle Arte e Natura Poetry Prize won by Giuseppe Conte, the artist selected to accompany the poet was the photographer Luca Gilli. Thus was born the exhibition Magic Realism, the series of 30 shots taken during his residency at the Collection will be temporarily exhibited in the spaces of Cascina Terrarossa until 30 September.

22 June 2021

Giuseppe conte

Giuseppe Conte is the winner of the second edition of the biennial Celle Arte e Natura Poetry Prize.

15 April 2021

Echo di Hera

Passing through Hera’s work. (Caterina – March 2021)

30 March 2021

Happy Easter

11 January 2021

Homage to Lara Vinca Masini

There are scholars who struggle in contemporary art to understand the world around them others like Lara breathe it, live it and put it into words better than anyone else. Dear Lara your intelligence and acuity have enriched civilisation.
Italy have you realised this? If so, you would not have denied her the requested subsidy allocated by the Bacchelli law dedicated to distinguished Italian citizens.

3 July 2020

Premio strega 2020

Congratulations to Sandro and his Colibri, today cell celebrates!
Strega Prize 2020

11 January 2020

Arte, passione e ambiente alla fattoria di Celle

31 May 2021

Christo story of Art and Friendship

Dear Friends, As you know, on 31 May, one of the greatest artists of the 20th century and the beginning of the millennium passed away: Christo Vladimirov Yavachev, aka Christo. Perhaps few people know that he had strong ties to our territory, in fact, together with his art and life companion Jeanne-Claude, he had a close friendship with Giuliano Gori, collector and founder of the Environmental Art Collection at Fattoria di Celle.


Va al poeta, scrittore e saggista friulano Gian Mario Villalta la terza edizione del premio biennale di Poesia «Celle Arte Natura»

La giuria – composta in quest’edizione da Paolo Gori, Antonio Franchini, Andrea Mati, Silvio Perrella, Antonio Riccardi, Sandro Veronesi – ha scelto, con voto unanime, di tributare il riconoscimento all’autore, Premio Viareggio 2011, Premio Carducci 2016 e 2017, Premio Latisana 2020 e vincitore del Premio Fortini, FestivalPassaggi 2023. Gian Mario Villalta è inoltre direttore artistico di pordenonelegge, Festa del Libro con gli Autori. “L’autore è stato scelto per la sua grande sensibilità nei confronti della natura, una natura sia vegetale che umana” racconta Paolo Gori presidente della giuria del premio