Vittorio Corsini

Vittorio Corsini (Cecina, 1956-)

Vittorio Corsini was born in Cecina (LI) in 1956 and studied art history and philosophy at the University of Pisa. Between the late 70s and early 80s he travelled in Europe to get to know and
see the artists of the past. At the end of the 1980s he began a personal research work on lateral vision and the everyday object to arrive at the beginning of the 2000s at a research in which he investigates the quality of space between people. He realises various works permanent works such as Le parole scaldano, Uomini, Cortile, Alba, Chi mi parla?
Recent works include the project Voci with 7 installations featuring stories by 7 writers, Mappe
Celestial Maps and Welcome to the City for the PeccioliPer Foundation. He teaches Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera.

Works by the artist

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