Ulrich Rückriem

Ulrich Rückriem (Düsseldorf, 1938 – )

At the outset of the environmental art project in 1981, the initial selection of artists included Ulrich Rückriem, who had been present at the Venice Biennale in 1976 and was a professor of sculpture at the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf. While exploring the park, the artist noticed an area outlined by a circle of holm oaks where three paths converged in a triangle. This unique geometry of the place suggested a sense of sacredness to him, leading to the idea of a tabernacle. The initial preparatory drawings showed a reflection on the Christian cross, which in the subsequent elaboration, evolved into the simplified form visible today. During his stay in Celle, the artist often conversed with FoscaMassetiTaddei, the mother of Pina Gori, with whom he posed for a souvenir photo in front of the completed artwork.

“…Rückriem … decided the precise pointfor his stone sculpture after running around the thicket in circles. The scene looked like the re-creation of a ritual act in a tribal ceremony held by some remote and exotic culture.” Amnon Barzelin Gori Collection: Site Specific Art at the Fattoria di Celle, ed. Gli Ori, Pistoia, 2009, p12

Works by the artist