Simone Gori

Simone Gori (Florence, 1986 – )

In 2020, artist Simone Gori installed his work on the second floor in a small, narrow room situated in the corner of the Cascina Terrarossa. The dominant feature in this confined space is a small window that can be opened onto a natural setting but the artist decided to close this view in order to create a “cell” where the visitor’s experience is concentrated. He “reopens” the room by creating a world-universe made of a painted sky with tempera colors covering the entire surface of the ceiling and walls. The artist reproduces the brilliant effect of the sky through his use of reflective tiles where, in the center, he screenprints his own image, suspended in a relaxed pose, like the Creator of the title.

“The painted walls are reflected in the mirrored tiles, creating a connection between the floor and ceiling and occupying an indefinite but real space that allows us to immediately perceivewe are between two worlds linked by the common thread of the soul. It leads us from the earth to the infinite. In the center of the work, the cloud creator printed on glass is comfortably suspended in the sky.” — Translated from 30+10=40 anni di arte ambientale condivisa. Collezione Gori, Fattoria di Celle, Gli Ori, Pistoia, 2022, p.56.

Works by the artist

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