Piero Fogliati

Piero Fogliati (Canelli, 1930 – Torino, 2016)

Their mutual friend Lara VincaMasini introduced Giuliano Gori to the work of PieroFogliati, who would “invent” a piece specifically for Celle many years later, in 1990. The period of reflection and discussion with the collector allowed for the optimal realization of his Sonata a sette per aria e acqua (Sonata for Seven with Air and Water) on the top floor of the Villa, in a corner room where the presence of water is heralded by a small marble sink topped with an antique brass faucet. Here, on the floor, Fogliatibuilt a platform to host his eccentric orchestra of instruments made of alpaca metal, each containing a precise water level and powered by a small tube for the arrival of air. Indeed, the “music” is generated by the bubbling of water inside the “instruments” when the the air compressor – standing in front like the orchestra conductor – starts to regulate the flow of air through the tube system.

When the visitor presses the wall switch, the electricity activates not only an effect of illumination but also starts a real concert divided into various phases: the initial tuning up of the orchestra occurs with regular room light, when the lighting dims it signals the start of the brief concert where listeners will identify moments of solfeggio, before beginning a slow decrescendo towards the last, very low notes, which are individual droplets marking the final moments of the music. After the last note, a beat passes, and the normal room lighting returns.

The continuing dialogue between Fogliati and Gori led to the temporary exhibition of “sculpture-projections” titled Utopia possibile?held at Cascina Terrarossa in 2007, and, during the same period, the display of the artist’s drawings and projects at Casapeppe. In 2012, during the exhibition Arcadia in Celle, L’art pour la nature, la nature pour l’art held at the Fondation Marguerite et AiméMaeght in Saint-Paul de Vence, Giuliano Gori dedicated an entire exhibition room solely to his dear friend Piero.
“I first visited the Fattoria in 1985. I immediately began to recount my projects to Giuliano Gori, giving rise to what has been since then a highly productive dialogue…. These are inventions, certainly, (Giuliano sensed this immediately), but for the eternal outcome of art, it is always necessary to use a means. By these means, one can transform noises into sounds and revealcolours with movement. Art realizes utopia.” Piero Fogliati in Gori Collection. Site Specific Art at the Fattoria di Celle, Gli Ori, Pistoia 2008, p.133.
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