Marta Pan

Marta Pan (Budapest, 1923 – Parigi, 2008)

Si può ben dire che tutta l’area del grande lago è il cuore del giardino romantico progettato da Giovanni It can be said that the entire area of the large lake is the heart of the romantic garden designed by Giovanni Gambini. Here, Giuliano Gori wanted to involve an artist he remembered from his frequent visits to the Kröller-Müller Museum in the Netherlands, where the Floating SculptureOtterlo is located at the entrance. The artist, Marta Pan, begins the design of her works by considering the presence of water and how they may interact with it.

In 1990, Marta Pan was invited to Celle, becoming one of only two artists to receive a specific commission for a particular location. She was asked to design a floating intervention on the surface of the large lake that wouldn’t compromise the overall perception of the environment, including the water, the island, and the surrounding forest.

During her site visits, the artist was accompanied by her spouse, the architect André Wogensky, and the couple formed a friendship with all generations of the Gori family, exchanging visits between Tuscany and the outskirts of Paris. They were all together in Otterlo on November 12, 1997, to celebrate the 100th birthday of their mutual friend Bram Hammacher, the longtime director of the Kröller-Müller Museum.

“A movement, a spot of color. A sculpture moves on the surface of the water. Its orange color leaves a trace on the green lake bottom. It lets itself be carried by the water, by the wind; it gathers sun, rain; it clothes itself in fog. This foreign body grafted onto the landscape is accepted through its obedience to the elements. It is not absorbed by them in the least. Rather, there is a union between the inert world and the world of life., the sculpture floats on the lake water, in silence.” Marta Pan, in Art in Arcadia. Umberto Allemandi & Co. , Turin, 1994, p. 283.

Works by the artist

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