Loris Cecchini

Loris Cecchini (Milano, 1969 – )

The artist Loris Cecchinicame to the attention of the Gori Collection particularly for the usage of space within his artistic production. In 2011, in anticipation of the thirtieth anniversary of the Collection’s opening to the public, forseen for June the following year, Cecchini was invited to create an intervention at Celle. In the park, the artist observed and drew inspiration from the “embracing trees” (a plane tree and a maple whose trunks had gradually merged into a single body with a dual identity). The site he chose to create his artwork was near those same trees, ina small clearing where a majestic centuries-old holm oak grows. Cecchini built a scaffold around its main trunk, allowing him, with his assistants, to create an installation composed of small chrome-plated stainless steel elements, each one welded individually to the next. The meticulous modeling of these components into a composition, done in an almost sartorial fashion, generated the sparkling mantle that covers the rough bark of the great tree, adorned with moss.

“My first steel works were included in the exhibition at the Pecci Museum in 2009. Then there was the work at Fattoria di Celle, which for me represents a very important moment, in addition to the great joy for my personal relationship with Giuliano Gori. In La mano, la creatura, ilgiardinocantante in 2012, there is a direct relationship with a tree in the Celle park; the sculpture envelops and embraces it, dignifying it with many units of chrome-plated steel, a kind of second skin, but also a sort of macrocellular enlargement of the organisms that govern creatures.” -Translated from Loris Cecchini in “Spindles, il tessile fra natura e tecnologia. Conversazione con Loris Cecchini” by Daniela Toccafondi in Prato, Storia e arte, n130-131, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Prato, December 2022, p. 84.
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