Jaume Plensa

Jaume Plensa (Barcellona, 1955 – )

In 1997, Jaume Plensa inaugurated the temporary exhibition Rumore (Noise) at Cascina Terrarossa. Among the various impactful works on display were two gongs on which the words “sogno” (dream) and “desiderio” (desire) were inscribed. After the closure of the exhibition, they were placed on the attic terrace of the Villa so its sounds can propagate across the countryside of Celle. His interest in sculpture as a percussion instrument was also cultivated at UFIP by Luigi Tronci in Pistoia. On June 12, 1999, they organized a performance in Celle with percussion instruments created specifically by four artists, including Plensa.

Also in 1997, following the enthusiasm generated by the exhibition at Cascina Terrarossa, Plensa received an invitation to create a permanent outdoor artwork. This led to the creation ofGemelli (Twins), the glass brick house among the olive trees equipped with a lighting system. It was the first work in the park designed for nighttime viewing.

“Two feet, two hands, two eyes: one symmetrical body. One mouth, one brain, one nose, one penis: One symmetrical axis. Brothers, lovers, families: one symmetrical life. Father, mother, country, language: A symmetrical origin.. Two knees, two lights, two towels, two shoes: one symmetrical hotel. Doors, cities, words, ideas: Symmetrical places. One name. One address. Onekey.” JaumePlensa in Gori Collection: Site Specific Art at the Fattoria di Celle, ed. Gli Ori, Pistoia, 2009, p333.

Works by the artist

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