Federico Gori

Federico Gori (Prato, 1977 – )

As a very young art student, Federico Gori visited Fattoria di Celleout of his interest in the considerations of space he found in the numerous site-specific works. The invitation from Giuliano Gori came later, in 2020, when Federico visited the spaces of Cascina Terrarossa and chose a room in the center of the first floor — characterized by a clearly visible entrance and a small window opening onto green nature – with access to two side rooms. Here, he decided to create a work specifically for the space but connected to his ongoing series of multimedia installations titled *Estinti* (Extinct). In his studio, he prepared copper plates worked with engraving techniques that produce natural effects of metallic oxidation. The surface of the plateswere engraved with images of vegetation selected during the artist’s research on archaeological specimens of plants that no longer exist in nature and chosen as the first step in developing some repeatable patterns.

In 2022, Federico Gori returned to Celle to install the panels that make up the installation, taking advantage of the viewer’s perspective from the wide opening of the door. Here, the engraved drawings found a permanent place where they could undergo continuous change due to the evolution of oxidation within the specific space.

“The work is composed of copper elements on which the imprints of 6 different plants are recorded through engravings and natural oxidations. However, they all share the same destiny—they no longer exist in nature. In this specific case, these are the plants Cooksonia (known for being the first plant to appear on the planet), Psilophyton, Zamites, SchizostachysPinnata, Sphenophyllum, Anomozamites. To make his engravings, the artist referred to the archaeological recorddocumenting these plants that have thrivedon Earth in different eras. The fossil imprints of the plants have been transformed into repeatable patterns but, although the same graphic modules are always reproduced, each copper element appears different from the others. Indeed, thanks to the technique used, the ongoing oxidations make each piece unique, like the living beings from which they originate…
There is an internal time in both the work and the material that composes it. The individual elements behave like living organisms, moving in space and time, changing skin and transforming, revealing all their dynamism. The work is positioned in space to occupy three of the room’s walls. With its view of the green outdoorsthe window, slightly off-center in the wall in which it is inserted, was the element that inspired Federico Gori’s site specific piece: from the window, two symmetrical compositions radiate laterally, reminiscent of large open wings stretched out to welcome the visitor.” — Caterina Gori, Educational Sheet *Federico Gori. Estinti (il gelo e la luce)*, 2022, Collezione Gori – Fattoria di Celle, 2022.

Works by the artist

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