Fabrizio Corneli

Fabrizio Corneli (1958, Firenze – )

Fabrizio Corneli, a native of Florence, has a long-standing friendship with Giuliano Gori, who curated the exhibition “Alternative del Nuovo: ottogiovaniartistipresentati da ottocritici” in 1979, which was the artist’s first exhibition. Corneli was invited to work at Celle in 1987 when he created the “Grande estruso,” a work made of galvanized iron located within the park. Ten years later, he returned to create the sundial located on the terrace adjacent to the Villa.

“After the completion of Grande estruso I had the occasion to run into Giuliano Gori frequently. In one of these encounters, he told me that he wanted to restore the timepieces of Villa Celle: he was espescially interested in having anewly functioningsundial. The difficulty lay in bringing together an artist and a sundial builder. Because I had been researching solar movements since ’91, I volunteered for both roles.” -Fabrizio Corneliin Gori Collection: Site Specific Art at the Fattoria di Celle, ed. Gli Ori, Pistoia, 2009, p107.

Works by the artist

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