Daniele Lombardi

Daniele Lombardi (Firenze, 1946 – Firenze, 2018)

Over the years, the composer Daniele Lombardi held several concerts featuring his works in various locations within the Fattoria di Celle property, from the meeting room inside the farmhouse to outdoors in the park, where he inaugurated the TeatroSpazioCelle di Beverly Pepper with his composition L’ora alata in June 1992.

In 2015, after what he describes as a “flash that endowed the Cappella di Celle with the Porta Sonora,” Giuliano Gori invited his fraternal friend — who is a composer, musician, and visual artist — to design a doorway for the small church. The meeting took place on July 5, when Lombardi presented the commissioner with some musical scores selected from among his compositions. After a careful examination of each sheet, the choice (which Gori describes as “love at first sight”) fell on the notation that bears the title Vergine Madre, inspired by the last canticle of Dante’s Paradiso. The piece is part of, a larger project that the musician had devoted to the 34 Dante plaques placed in as many points in the city of Florence, messages from the poet that had accompanied the maturation of the Florentine artist.

Preparations for a bronze portal beganat the Salvadori Arte foundry in Pistoia, where the artist manually modelled each note in wax, one by one, to scrupulously prepare the door before casting. On October 15, 2016, the Porta Sonora was inaugurated, densely marked by musical notation, and in front of it, the master violinist Francesco D’Orazio executeda remarkable concert of Vergine Madre, treating the crowd of rapt listeners to his unforgettable interpretation. For the same occasion, Lombardi exhibited MusicaVirtuale 22 (2004-2013), his composition of acrylic colors on a canvas 25 meters long, which almost entirely envelops the interior space of the small Bowling/Bookshop.
After Lombardi’s death in 2018, the Gori Collection remained guardian of the painting, which is still visible in the Bowling/Bookshop, thanks to the generous donation by Loretta Innocenti. “I had written Vergine Madre, among Dante’s plaques of, as the concluding piece of the vast composition, a finale entrusted to a violin solo, after over an hour of a sonorous narrative with a strong dramatic impact, in a sound atmosphere that evokes the strong emotions of the text over the distance of the centuries recalled by the stones of Florence. This raising of the gaze, in a subtle sound, evoked in me great spirituality, and it made me happy to see how Giuliano Gori, with his sensitivity, immediately grasped this aspect. The project of this large door foresees… numerous other performances by many very young violinists, in a continuous succession of new sound moments springing from these notes forever fixed in bronze.” — Translated from Daniele Lombardi in *Daniele Lombardi. Porta Sonora*, Gli Ori, Pistoia, 2016, p.66

Works by the artist

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