Daniel Buren

Daniel Buren (Boulogne-Billancourt, 1938 – )

In the early 1980s, Giuliano Gori extended the first invitation to Daniel Buren who, due to ongoing projects, was unable to participate in the experiment that was taking shape on the hills of Santomato. Twenty years later,when the two men met at the Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto, the timing was right, and Buren came to Celle in 2004. He chose a site adjacent to the park and the olive grove: an enclosed space that had once housed a disused tennis court. Buren retained the existing exterior fencing and tall lighting poles, simply replacing the lights with round mirrors oriented towards the work in a way that each reflected an isometric perspective of its structure. The artist followed the construction of the project in all its phases, which was slowed down by two windstorms that damaged the construction site. 

In 2002, on the occasion of the exhibition Magnete: presenzeartistichestraniere in Toscana, the artist gave his permission to reinstall, along the Celle section of the Via Montalese, the flags that make up the work Poligono per Poggibonsi. From the collaboration and friendship consolidated at Celle, two other environmental projects by Buren were bornin Tuscany, both curated by Giuliano Gori: the doors and partition walls for the hemodialysis pavilion at the Ospedale del Ceppo in Pistoia (2005-2006) and Muri fontane a trecolori per un esagono in the park of Villa La Màgia in Quarrata.
“Finally one should keep in mind that this four-roomed cabane allows a kind of visual walk through colour, that begins as soon as one enters through one of the eight doors. One is surrounded by colour, applied directly to the walls, and by its reflection in the room where one is standing. Meanwhile one is also attracted to the other colours that can be glimpsed (their reflections or the colours themselves?) through the inner doors.” —Daniel Buren in Gori Collection: Site Specific Art at the Fattoria di Celle, ed. Gli Ori, Pistoia, 2009, p72
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