Alberto Burri

Alberto Burri (Città di Castello, 1915  – Nizza, 1995)

After meeting each other in the early 1960s at the artist’s studio-residence in Grottarossa, Rome, Alberto Burri and Giuliano Gori shared a long-lasting friendship characterized by collaboration on various projects, including the exhibition held in Florence at Orsanmichele in 1980-81. Four years later, Burri agreed to design what would become a symbolic work of the Gori Collection, to be placed at the entrance of Fattoria di Celle: an intervention aimed at requalifying the viaMontalese road area. The artist designed the raised green traffic island that serves as base for the work and conceived the sculpture as a see-through piece that does not obstruct road safety. Given the site and the work’s impressive size, Giuliano Gori donated it to the Municipality of Pistoia, which undertook to preserve it completely. In 2015, Goricollaborated on the exhibition “Burri e Pistoia. La Collezione Gori e le fotografie di Amendola,” promoted by the Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia and held in Palazzo Sozzifanti.

“The flat profiles of the pieces of iron chosen and shaped by Burri accentuate the sharp-edged and hollow character of the solid, which has the power to evoke one of the figures drawn by Leonardo for Luca Pacioli’sDe Divina Proportione (1492). As elastic as a sail filled with wind, the work Grande Ferro Celle(1986)’ offers glimpses through its open spaces of the surrounding greenery, the fencing of the nearby gardens, and the large pillars of the gateway to the villa which for years has hosted Giuliano Gori’s extensive collection of environmental art.” —Bruno Corà in “Burri e Pistoia. La Collezione Gori e le fotografie di Amendola,” Gli Ori, Pistoia, 2015, p. 14.

Works by the artist

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