Claudio Parmiggiani

Giuliano Gori and Claudio Parmiggiani began discussing an artwork for Celle around 1996. The first project to materialize, however, was the temporary exhibition titled “Delocazione,” hosted on the first floor of Casapeppe in 1997-98. The phantom-like drawings created with residue of fireand smoke fixed the outlines of various items of furniture on the walls and are documented in Claudio Parmiggiani: Polvere (ed. Fattoria di Celle, 1998).

Around the years 1995-1996, the collector once again involved the artist, this time in the creation of the new hemodialysis pavilion at the Ospedale del Ceppo in Pistoia. In this case, Parmiggiani chose to work on the hospital floors using mosaics: along the corridorshe generated a constellation of zoomorphic and anthropomorphic shapes, drawn in white starry lines set against a black background,.

The intention to create a permanent “work for Celle” remained, and this intention gave the title to the intervention carried out by the artist in 2001 for one of the interior rooms of the farmhouse. He wrote to the collector: “Four years, and now as a result, a room, four lances, and a heart. Four lances that support a heart in the center of a room.” The heart is framed within the Tuscan landscape.

In the same year, around the dining table at Villa Celle, Claudio Parmiggiani and Robert Morris met, and their understanding inspired the idea of creating a work together; it would be tied to Albrecht Dürer’sMelencolia, an engraving considered of great importance by both artists. In 2002, their environmental work Melencolia II was installed in the bamboo grove of the park. In the same year, Parmiggianicreated an untitled marble work in the project for the Padula Park in Carrara, as part of the 11th edition of the International Sculpture Biennial “Città di Carrara,” curated by Giuliano Gori.
“Melencolia in the breath of the compass […] a scale of time, a humanization of geometries, Euclid in a forest of flutes.” Claudio Parmiggiani in the magazine “Architettura del Paesaggio,” Alinea Editore, November 2003, p. 63.
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