Susana Solano

Susana Solano (Barcellona, 1946- )

When Susana Solano visited Celle – after representing Spain at the Venice Biennale in 1988 – it was expected that her choice might fall on a space inside one of the historic buildings. However, it was right at the edge of the path winding through the park where the artist found a small clearing that inspired her work. Solano designed a structure of massive bent corten beams that were prepared in time for her second stay, during which she arrived in Celle accompanied by her mother and young daughter. On this occasion, the artist worked with blacksmiths to weld the vertical and horizontal structures that formed the base onto which the cantilevered corten plates would be loosely placed diagonally. At the same time, her loved ones were busy in the Villa’s kitchen, assisted by some local ladies, preparing a massive paella for all the people participating in the project. The presence of the three generations of female Solanos was truly unforgettable for Celle!

“If I were given to making choices, I would choose to love you always, even though I might not want to.” Susana Solano in Gori Collection: Site Specific Art at the Fattoria di Celle, ed. Gli Ori, Pistoia, 2009, p168

Works by the artist

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