Wall Drawings 445 & 494


The first of the two works, carried out for the walls of the former hayloft, consists of a mural painting that depicts a pyramidal shape in warm, intense colors, recalling the well-known Italian painting tradition, with clear reference to the Tuscan Quattrocento.
After Richard Long’s installation, sited on the central part of the floor, LeWitt completed his work in the room. In keeping with his first work, he painted similar pyramidal forms on the east wall, this time using blue-green tones that blend perfectly with the color of Long’s installation.
Both mural compositions are interrupted by pre-existing openings in the walls, but this does not affect the paintings’ impact. Rather, the artist has involved even the smallest architectural details to render them more fully a part of his work.


Sol Lewitt

Sol LeWitt (Hartford, 1928 – New York, 2007) The friendship between the Gori and LeWitt families was born and…

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